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Player Race: Yes
Relation to UFP:
Applied for membership.  Friendly.

- Will likely still have a hatred for the Selay.
- Preference to eat live meat should be fun to deal with in mission. :)

Large, furry, sentient humanoids from planet Antica in the Beta Renner star system.  Anticans are a carnivorous species who prefer to eat live meat.  The Anticans applied for admission to the Federation in 2364.  The Enterprise-D transported their delegates to planet Parliament to help resolve a long-standing dispute with sister planet Selay as part of the admission process.  (Lonely Among Us -TNG).
Star Trek: The Encyclopedia (1999 edition).

Planet: Anticirca. One of two quarreling races from the Beta Renner system, Anticans are marked by their canine-like faces, leathery skin and enlarged rear craniums. Although mostly bald, they have shaggy sideburns, mustaches and eyebrows that descend into long streams. They are carnivorous, demanding fresh live meat for almost every meal. They went hunting for arch-enemy Selay with looped weapons during their U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D trip. They call the humans' use of materialized meat barbaric and emit a continuous raspy, breathy sound. Though not currently a Federation member, the species has been involved in interstellar travel for some time, at least since the 2320s.
Star Trek: Continuum.