
Contained herein is a listing of all the applicable alien races that one may encounter in Star Trek: A Call To Duty.

They are taken from canon sources only.  Unfortunately this means that we cannot include any of the Star Trek novels, although they would greatly enhance this site.

There are now a total of 287 aliens, not all of which are available to use as player characters, but there are many entries for you to refer to.

Currently there are 75 alien species from which you can choose to create a character.

Entries listed in BOLD are eligible races that may be selected by a player to create a character.

This site uses the font Abadi MT Condensed Light.  If you do not have this font, or are not sure if you have it, please download it by clicking this link.   [Download Font].  You will need to install this font by going to your Windows/Font folder in Windows Explorer, click File, click Install New Font.


Bob Baldwin
Game Manager
Star Trek: A Call To Duty

If you are interested in joining the game, please send email to
All references to Star Trek and the alien cultures herein are Copyright © 1966-2003 by Paramount Pictures Incorporated.